Book cover

Year 1, semester 1: Learning task, book cover, The Secret Garden.
Task overview
This was one of our lessons tasks during the first year. The book title, author and a few requirements revolving color usage were provided. We were to express naivety, honesty and harmony through the use of secondary colors.
My work
As mentioned the book name and author were provided, so were color specifications. What I have done for the assignment is to create the shapes and given them the appropriate colors.
Secret Garden: Main cover
Secret Garden: Color scheme
Color scheme
For the task I chose different shades of green as the main objective of the assignment was to create a cover representing a garden. A tree with different shades of green felt appropriate. The different shades have been used to add color to the tree itself, leaves and details.
I have also used a shade of orange and purple to add a last details just to basically put the dot over the i.