Motion design

Year 2, semester 2: Course assignment, motion design, Diamond Awards
Task overview
In this assignment we were supposed to create a title sequence for Diamond Awards which is Noroff's own annual award show. The titles and logo where provided, the rest was up to us to figure out.
My work
Below are both my original sequence which I provided during the actual course assignment and the new sequence which was made after receiving feedback.

Both of the sequences are built around the same foundation and idea, gold and glitter.
I believe that if there is one thing this assignment shows, it is that I have improved my AE skills a lot, I by far think that the new version is a lot better and it is very close to what my original idea was.

The idea behind both of the sequences is the same, I wanted to create a sequence with a gold/glitter theme. The sequence was after all supposed to represent an award show.

The first version was not synched to the music and the music did not really fit in, the background, transition and effects felt very static and roboty.
The new sequence contains colors which is more similar to gold, it has particles in the background which resembles dust and the light effects adds on to this.
The background is a gradient and the goal here is to try to emphasize a feeling of being in the spotlight, the text has a gold and shiny effect to it with reflection.
The transitions is to my best ability synched up to the music, the only part which I am not 100% happy with is the start. I believe however that it leads into the title sequence in a nice way, I only wish I could have timed it with the music in a better way.
I did not want to cut and edit the music much as I was worried that it would sound fake.

I believe I also might have misunderstood slightly during the actual assignment and thought that the font we received where supposed to be used for the titles, but after working more on the sequence I believe now that the provided font was just for the logo itself and it was not actually necessary to use it for the titles.
I have therefore used Montserrat for the new sequence.

The Diamond Award logo is revealed through a short animation at the end of sequence.
CA06: Video capture 02
logo screen